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What is the Highlands Ability Battery Test?

 The Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) Test is a very effective assessment for exploring new careers, but it is also an incredible tool that assists in decision making at any point and for any reason in your career. Your HAB results can easily be applied should you find yourself in any situation - working, not working or being a student.

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There’s no question that we can all improve in different areas and acquire skills. But it takes a tremendous amount of effort to do something well for which you are not naturally suited. You will achieve fewer results and far less satisfaction doing work that doesn’t align with your natural talents, gifts, and abilities. For individuals, this means longer, more frustrating hours with fewer rewards; for organizations, this means falling short of attaining maximum productivity.


Your scores in these different areas will be relatively high, medium, or low in comparison to the tens of thousands of people who have taken the HAB before you. There’s no inherent benefit to one ability over another—it’s knowing where your strengths lie that gives you the advantage. That’s how you can discover your real source of creativity and energy.

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